Publications and Preprints
Categorical Center of Higher Genera and 4D Factorization Homology.
arXiv:2107.05914,2022 CRM Proceedings: Quantum Symmetries, to appear.
Explicit Factorization of a Categorical Center, with Ying Hong Tham.
arXiv:2111.06919, submitted to Applied Categorical Structures in Oct 2022.
Equivalence of field theories: Crane-Yetter and the shadow.
arXiv:2206.04570, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications in Oct 2022, to appear.
On the algebra generated by μ¯,∂¯,∂,μ, with Shamuel Auyeung and Jiahao Hu.
arXiv:2208.04890, published on Complex Manifolds, Volume 10 Issue 1.
Skein Construction of Balanced Tensor Products, with Manuel Araújo and Skyler Hudson.
Simplicial Study Group,
Representations of Compact Lie groups,
Student Seminar on Differential Topology,
Student Seminar on Real Analysis and Measure Theory,
Quantum Symmetries: Tensor Categories, Topological Quantum Field Theories, Vertex algebras,
Generalized Global Symmetries, Quantum Field Theory, and Geometry,
Quantum Topology and Geometry,
Global Categorical Symmetries,
From Representation Theory to Mathematical Physics and Back,
Chern-Simons and Other Topological Field Theories,
Foam Evaluation,
Mathematical Physics,
Representations of Finite and Algebraic Groups,
Invited Speaker
Skein Construction of Balanced Tensor Product,
Kazhdan-Lusztig Theory and Posets,
Crane-Yetter and the Shadow Model,
Structure of the Drinfeld Center and a 4-dimensional Model,
Higher Invariants of Manifolds,
Categorical Center of Higher Genera and 4D Factorization Homology,
TQFT and Invariants of Manifolds and Algebras,
Topological Quantum Field Theories from Tensor Categories,
(Higher) Category-valued Manifold Invariants,
Triangulation and Quantum Invariant,
Internal Skein Algebra,
Crane-Yetter Model in Dimension 2,
Harish-Chandra Modules,
Jones polynomials and their 4D generalization,
Integrating Categories over Surfaces,
Kazhdan-Lusztig category,
Quantum Schur-Weyl Duality,
Higher Invariants,